Benyfit Natural’s Tasty Turkey frozen raw dog food is a nutritious and satisfying meal for your furry friend. Packed with 80% turkey meat, bone and offal, and 20% fresh vegetables and botanicals, this meal is high in vitamins and essential amino acids. It is especially beneficial for dogs with sensitive stomachs or allergies. This delicious and healthy option promotes healthy skin, cleaner teeth and gums, a glossy coat, better digestion, and strong bones. Dogs love the taste, and owners love the results.
Benyfit Natural started with a mission to create nourishing and tasty raw food for working dogs. Over the past decade, they have expanded operations and now produce thousands of tubs of raw food each day at their headquarters in East Sussex.
Priortising the health and happiness of your pets, which is why they use only the finest quality ingredients in each recipe. Their production adheres to the highest safety standards and testing regulations, ensuring that every product is of the utmost quality. To guarantee the delectable taste and appeal of the recipes, each one is meticulously taste-tested by in-house four-legged, fluffy taste testers.
Give your dog the gift of a mouthwatering, nutrient-dense meal with our goose and turkey recipe, and see them enjoy every bite of this wholesome and delicious offering.
65% Turkey with Bone
5% Ox Heart
5% Ox Liver
5% Ox Kidney
9% Carrot
8% Parsnip
3% Broccoli
Botanicals Including: Flaxseed Oil, Kelp, Turmeric, Celery Seeds, Alfalfa, Nettles, Psyllium Husk, Clivers & Wild Yam.
Nutritional Details
Moisture 71.6% | Crude Protein 12.5% | Crude Fat 10.77% | Crude Ash 3.4% | Crude Fibre 0.2% | Calcium 0.83% | Phosphorous 0.48% kcal/100g 141
Benyfit Natural have partnered with Prevented Ocean Plastics (POP) to create a tub made from recycled plastic collected from coastlines across the globe, which would have otherwise ended up polluting our oceans.
These tubs are made from 100% recycled materials and are 100% recyclable, allowing for guilt-free use and disposal.
Prevented Ocean Plastic is the largest program of its kind, working to collect plastic from coastal areas that are at risk of polluting the ocean. Every month, over 1000 tonnes of plastic is prevented from entering the ocean, and the program also provides support and employment for thousands of people in local communities around the world. By using these recycled plastic tubs, you can contribute to the prevention of ocean pollution while keeping your dog’s food fresh and neatly stored.